In a devastating turn of events, a pregnant woman passed away while in labor due to the care provided by an impostor posing as a female doctor in Korangi No.4, as reported by ARY News. The incident, which has sparked outrage and concern among the community, sheds light on the risks associated with fraudulent medical practitioners and the dire consequences they can inflict on unsuspecting patients.
As per the family of the deceased, they sought the assistance of a purported female doctor in Korangi No.4, Karachi, for the delivery of the baby. Unfortunately, despite the 25-year-old woman’s efforts, she delivered a stillborn.
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When the woman’s condition worsened during labor, the family heeded the doctor’s advice and rushed her to Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Centre (JMPC) for treatment. Tragically, she succumbed to her condition while undergoing treatment at the medical facility.
The grief-stricken family has raised serious allegations against the Karachi police, They accused police of shielding the imposter, asserting that initially, the Awami Colony police suggested conducting a postmortem examination.
However, later on, a police officer stated that due to legal procedures couldn’t be initiated, as indicated by the family.
The family of the deceased demanded the filing of a First Information Report (FIR) against the fake female doctor.
This heartbreaking incident highlights the urgent need for stringent measures to combat the proliferation of fraudulent medical practitioners who pose a grave risk to public health and safety. The ease with which individuals can masquerade as qualified healthcare professionals underscores the deficiencies in regulatory oversight and enforcement within the healthcare system.
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